Two minutes after midnight on 12
October 1999 a baby boy was born in Sarajevo, Bosnia. He was 3.55kg (8lbs),
healthy and welcomed in to the
world by the Secretary General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan. The baby,
Adnan Mević, was given such high profile attention after being selected by the
United Nations Population Fund as the
symbolic six
billionth person concurrently alive on Earth.
Just twelve years later and the
Day of Six Billion will be superseded on 31 October as the world welcomes its
seven billionth inhabitant. Both of these days are highly symbolic projections
– no demographer can be certain of the world’s population let alone able to
balance births and deaths to reach an accurate conclusion on the six or seven
billionth person. But they do prompt debate on the world’s population, rekindle
discussion on the earth’s ‘carrying capacity’ and see demographers and politicians
ask how many people can the earth support?
World population in 1800 – 1 billion
One name above all others is
associated with the arguments – the Reverend
Thomas Malthus. In 1798 he published “An Essay on the
Principle of Population”, which argued that population would expand in
times of plenty until checked by a shortage of primary resources. If the
population continued to grow in excess of the earth’s ability to provide for
them, it would be checked by “premature death” that “in some shape or other
visit the human race”. His prediction was that mankind, through warfare are
“active and able ministers of depopulations”:
“But should they fail in this war of extermination, sickly seasons,
epidemics, pestilence, and plague advance in terrific array, and sweep off
their thousands and tens of thousands. Should success be still incomplete,
gigantic inevitable famine stalks in the rear, and with one mighty blow levels
the population with the food of the world.”
Malthus’s work is considered the
most influential founding text on population. It was not, however, the first
book to consider overpopulation. Jonathan Swift’s devastating satire in “A Modest Proposal” (a preferred
shortening of the unwieldy long title of “A Modest Proposal for Preventing the
Children of Poor People in Ireland From Being a Burden on Their Parents or
Country, and for Making Them Beneficial to the Publick”) mockingly suggested a
radical use for ‘surplus’ Irish children.
The tract retains its ability to
shock, puncturing even the cynicism of the twenty-first century reader. Swift
argues that 100,000 surplus children of the Irish poor could be sold for good
price to grace the tables of the better off:
“a young healthy child well nursed, is, at a year old, a most delicious
nourishing and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I
make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricasie, or a ragoust.”
Swift’s Ireland would suffer the
terrible consequences of overpopulation and crop failure in the Great Famine.
But Malthus’s concerns were largely confounded in nineteenth century Britain by
improvements in agriculture and vast imports of wheat from the American and
Canadian plains and Russian steppes.
World population in
1900 – 1.65 billion
Malthus’s work continued to be widely read, and
influenced Charles Darwin’s “On The Origin of Species” and his theory that the
struggle to survive was a consequence of overpopulation and the spur to natural
selection and evolution. Both works
would heavily influence the development of eugenic theory, with Henry
Fairfield Osborn advocating “humane birth selection through humane birth
control” in order to avoid a Malthusian catastrophy by eliminating the “unfit”.
The predictions of human catastrophe were largely rejected by the end of the
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and those advocating population
controls were largely concerned with conservation issues.
Malthusian ideas were
largely dormant until 1948, when two works would spark a debate that would
become one of the twentieth century’s biggest issues. Fairfield Osborn’s ‘Our
Plundered Planet’ and William Vogt’s ‘Road to
Survival’ were both best-sellers and triggered the debate that would
develop into the ‘population bomb’. Vogt argued for population control whilst
Osborn criticized man’s poor stewardship of the earth and depletion of natural
World population in
1950 – 2.5 billion
The concept of a population explosion was
explored throughout the 50s and 60s. On 11 January 1960, Time magazine featured a front cover on the
population explosion. Rachel Carson’s ‘Silent
Spring’ in 1962 would be followed by the widely read and hugely influential
Population Bomb’ by Paul Ehrlich in 1968.
Population control was now more than an
intellectual discourse, it was a struggle for mankind’s survival. The vast and
increasing populations of India and China were cited as major contributors to
population growth, and it was these countries that embarked on high profile
population control campaigns. China’s ‘one-child policy’
was introduced in 1978 and the authorities claim that it has since prevented
400 million births.
India’s national policy was more permissive,
focusing on education, contraception and legalization of abortion. As a result,
China’s fertility rate is currently 1.8 (and below the replacement rate of
2.1), whilst India’s is 2.7. India is predicted
to overtake China as the most populous nation in 2026. Concerns about
overpopulated extended to humanitarian relief, for example with Lyndon Johnson’s
shipments of
wheat to famine-struck India in 1966. The grain was exported on the strict
condition that the country accelerated its family planning campaign.
World population in
2050? 12 billion, 9.75 billion, 5 billion?
But catastrophe was averted and famine avoided
by the Green Revolution, which caused a dramatic increase in the production of
cereal crops. More recently, the debate on population has been linked with
concerns over global warming, resource depletion and peak oil. The concept of
the Earth’s ‘carrying capacity’ has been discussed, reigniting
the debate on the planet’s ability to cope with an increasing population.
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